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أنــا .. لا أحبــك

هذا ما شعرت به حينما انتهيت من تصميم هذه اللوحة
لم يكن حبك يعني لي شيئا وأنت أمامي
وحين رحلت اكتشفت كم انني كنت أحبك ..
this is what i feel after finishing this art work

zoom ا on Deviantart

أنا لا أحبك


  1. Anonymous3/9/08 00:48

    Very nice. At first glance, it looks like a profile...

  2. Hi Ben
    its very important for me that this profile attract your attention
    at first glance, it seems very real
    i draw it one day when i felt my depths burning...

    Feb 24, 2007, 1:48:44 AM

  3. Anonymous3/9/08 00:50

    magnifique couleurs! c'est de beau travail.

    Oct 25, 2006, 1:50:10 AM

  4. je ne sais plus si vous pouvais encore aimer ce travail si vous saviez qu'il est intitulé "je ne t'aime plus" ... imaginez si le titre était "je te haii"
    merci beaucoup pour votre jolie presence.. trés heureux de vous voir ici

  5. Anonymous3/9/08 00:52

    What a passionate way of denying your love! Your image is on fire! I really like the text in the composition, an intrusion of reason in a frenzied universe.

    Oct 20, 2006, 9:29:01 AM

  6. This is so deep. I can truly understand what you mean by drawing such a passionate piece.
    I, myself never realized how much I love him until I knew lose. It is sort of sarcastic!
