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بيت العنكبوت: أوهن البيوت

this is my first real artwork in Fractal.. i thank very lot "dina martinez" for the link.. i do that with Apophysis.. really am very happy to be with you in this community..
i wish that you can appreciate this beginning

Spidery House -Quranic .... بيت العنكبوت: أوهن البيوت

zoom ا on Deviantart

i have embeded in this work, a Coran verse speaking about the Spider's House...
This is another version of my first arwork ((Spidery House ))

zoom ا on Deviantart


  1. Anonymous2/9/08 15:13

    Yes, this is a very powerful concept.

    Is the only strong faith that of Islam?

    Is the only strong house that which is built by Islam?

    Perhaps it is you, who would marvel at another's faith.

    كاتب أمريكي من أصل يهودي

  2. thanks a lot 4 visit
    and trully i didnt understand what u want to say... i believe in my faith as u do with yours, its simply important to respect the beliefs of others... try to understand how is nice the cohabitation between diffrent nations & people & religions & races.. no one can live alone in this life, on this earth..

  3. Anonymous2/9/08 15:14

    ~salimekki~ this is what you wrote on your photo

    The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the Spider, who build (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the Spider’s house; if they but knew” Holly Coran Surah 29 Verse 41

    According to the Holly Coran Surah 29 Verse 41,
    the Spider is someone who does not believe in Allah

    According to Holly Coran Surah 29 Verse 41,
    the Spider's house is flimsey...

    According to Holly Coran Surah 29 Verse 41,
    the reason a person would not believe in Allah is because they do not understand Allah is the only real protector....

    There are many Muslim nations...races...and religious sectors of Islam. Is this what you mean when you say cohabitation between different nations, religions and races would be nice....

    Do you think of the spider as an insect ? or...do you respect the Spider for the threads he weaves as part of the fabric of this world...

    The spider has silver threads stronger than steel and although they may look different than yours, they are not made for you to judge.

    Apr 5, 2007, 2:42:33 PM

  4. u cant judge the Quran simply because you are "anti islam"
    i havnt the courage to judge the "Bible" or the "Torah" simply because i have any emotion of hate to them, i respect all what is written with love...
    sorry your qqs dont deserve my answers, am proud of what i believe, am muslim till i die...
    to know more about the legacy of quran try to read this book:
    "the Bible, the Quran and the Sciene" written by Maurice Bucaille..

    be just dear, you have only one life, be objectif or not to be, that's your problem..

  5. Anonymous2/9/08 15:14

    If my brother committed a heinous crime it would have nothing to do with me or what I believe.

    I would be ashamed of my brother and speak out against his crimes.

  6. "The Bible, the Qur'an and Science" by Dr. Maurice Bucaille


  7. Anonymous2/9/08 15:18

    your photos so precious for my kind. and i hope you believe QURAN . GOD SAVES YOU

    ibrahim - Turkey

  8. Anonymous2/9/08 15:19

    The web of the spiders house
    Is stronger than steel
    Of the same thickness.
    It traps its prey in
    That sticky or fluffy stuff
    Like silk
    But even that sticky
    Loses its stick.
    That silky web
    Can be stretched
    4 times its length.
    But it is still
    The weakest
    Of all houses.

    I like it alot...as well as much of your gallery.

  9. Anonymous2/9/08 15:22

    Love is Not Easy These days
    and that`s the perfect example for the cancer

    yas spider - in human tissue ... make my skin chake

    i seen it manytimes .... manyshaps

    but that`s what make me remmeber

    another Andalus`s man on board

  10. Anonymous2/9/08 15:23

    Yes, I was aware of Al Andalus's ancient name :) Strange how today "vandal" means a totally different thing. Your ancestors left a splendid legacy in Spain, a legacy of culture, love for life and cohabitation that is still greatly admired.

    Oct 22, 2006, 9:00:43 AM

  11. this is what all nations must know, live & feel..
    we are all one.. one God.. one first father "Adam".. one first mother "eva"..
    one big home "earth planete"..
    one same blood.. one same "air"
    one same "sky" and "univers"
    one same "begining" and one same "End"..
    "one paradise" one "hell"...

    we wish.. that "Allah", the God of all the creations.. "Allah" who creates all prophets be proud of all us..

    be artist.. be Universal

  12. Anonymous2/9/08 15:24

    the spider looks real ...

    but the net .. thanx god not...

    as doctor i remmber where i seen this tissue before :p

    and hope there is no spiders there coz if there is i`ll die :)

    quiet great

  13. dont worry hamzaz.. this spider is from plastic it can't make u الشر
    hahaha some times i loose the words in english... thanks a lot

  14. Anonymous2/9/08 15:25

    Interesting... What did use to make the spider?

  15. about the spider it's a photo manipulation on an external object (as clipart), i have paint it and made shadows to get the air of the composition .. done with ulead Photoimpact..thanx for the visit...

  16. Anonymous2/9/08 15:26

    Your image is awe-inspiring because of the spider but also because of the verse. It's a fine flame and a fine postwork you made. The hues are perfect for your subject. Thank you for letting me know :)


  17. for the million time.. i stay incapable to reply your words.. your beautiful feelings ring on my heart directly..hahaha..dont go far from the Fractal world... am happy seeing u appreciated by the verse.. u live in spain.. there we touch more than any other place in the world "the spirit of islam" .. never we can't forger "andalus"... you know ersi that the origin of this "word" is spanish.. muslims when they come to spain didn't want to change the name of the iberian island with an arabic word.. so they have choosen to keep the name of the original people "vandal".. the first name was "vandalucia".... thanks a lot for this flame...

    Deviantart - Oct 22, 2006, 7:42:45 AM

  18. Anonymous2/9/08 15:28

    WOW, I'd like you'll submit a bigger versiona as a screenshot for my desk, I swear I'll use it!

  19. Anonymous2/9/08 15:29

    i use Apophysis but you are just great in it

  20. i don't think sir
    u r a specialist in Anotomy
    طبيب جراح
    تحيااااااااااااااااااااااااااتي للغالي

  21. Anonymous2/9/08 15:30


    may be i`ll be :p

    healing wounds is easy , healing hurts is the hard on
