فكرة التصميم
كنت منذ فترة على تواصل فني مع مصممة اسبانية يستهويها كثيرا عذوبة الايمان الذي يغشى روحنا الشرقية.. لكنني اكتشفت انها تميل أيضا الى الاطلاع أكثر فاكثر على هوس الالحاد الذي يطغى المادية الغربية.. فكرت ان أواججها بأسلوب فني أولا لأنني لا اتقن الحوار بالانجليزية وثانيا لأن الصورة قد تعبر اكثر من اي حرف او كلمة...... فكانت هذه اللوحة التي فتحت الباب لسؤالي الاول: هل تقبل بأن لا يكون لهذه اللوحة صاحب من الأصل, ستجيب كلا, فسأسأل هل يعقل إذن أن يكون هذا الكون والوجود من غير خالق؟؟؟؟.....
Apophysis المرحلة الأولى باستعمال برنامج
لتحضير الخلفية التجريدية - منحنيات رياضية
لتحضير الخلفية التجريدية - منحنيات رياضية
أما المرحلة الثانية فكالعادة ببرنامج
Photoimpact ـ لاتمام اللمسات والرتوشات النهائية...
Photoimpact ـ لاتمام اللمسات والرتوشات النهائية...
الأبعاد: 1175*880
المدة: يومين
Imagine that this artwork (or this painting) hasn't any signature on it, no identity or without its deviant's name that had draw it...
While someone asked.. For whom is this artwork ?.. you can't answer ... but you confirm that the deviant artist who had submit his artwork here is the creator... you are certainly sure because you believe that for every thing you hear, you see, you touch or you feel exists its author or inventor or originator.....
Why ???
Probably you will answer that there is someone who had paint it, who had think about it, who had imagine its lines, curves and stains.. Tache there is a painter, designer or artist who had chosen this coherent arrangement of lights and colors and elements..
An atheist can respond us that this painting was created by itself.. The nature had throw it from the sky... impossible that a human who have a wonderful mind and beautiful heart think like this..
The same situation was set with the creation of our lives, our earth, its nature and the universe..

-- <<Knowledge Calls for Faith>> --
People with little education believe that atheism is an essential feature of knowledge, and that really educated people are mostly disbelieving. The truth is that knowledge does not lead one to atheism at all. The scholar who investigates facts will find himself in a limitless world properly governed without confusion or disorder. Soon after meditation, he will fall down to his Knees in reverence to the Divine power that has created such a remarkable universe.
Dr. Dinart of Germany once published a study in which he analyzed the philosophical views of the leading thinkers who had influenced the intellects of the past four centuries. He examined their beliefs closely and found out, after confining himself to 290 samples, that:
-28 of them adopted no belief,
-242 of them declared openly their faith in God and;
--only 20 of them seemed either careless about religion or were atheist. If we consider the careless ones all atheists, we find that 92% of the leading thinkers believe in existence of God. This high percentage is a clear indication that the disagreement between faith an knowledge, which materialists consider as being characteristic of well-educated people, does not exist; it also indicate that faith and knowledge rather complement one another and do not clash.
Dr. Wooti, the source of this statistical study, report that the famous French chemist Louis Pasteur, a leading genius of the past century's once wrote:" Faith does not prevent advancement because advancement demonstrates that apparent accord in God's creatures. Had my knowledge be more than now, my faith in God would have been firmer and deeper… True knowledge can never be materialistic; on the contrary, it leads to a further understanding of God, since, by investigating the universe, it reveals the skill, intelligence and the limitless perfection of the wise intellect which has established the laws that keep existence in order."
Professor in chemistry, member of the Science Academy, and The Faculty of Medicine in Paris, Dr. Widz once wrote: "If at any time I feel my belief in God has become weak, immediately I go to the Science Academy to strengthen it".
Member of the Science Academy also, the famous astronomer Fay declares in his book (The Origin of the worlds): "It is wrong to say that knowledge leads to the denial of God's existence."
Dr. Andrew Conoway Evy (head of chemical studies Department at the University of Chicago) was once asked by a businessman: "It has been said that most scientists are atheists. Is this true?" He replied, "I don't think this is true at all. On the contrary, I have found in my readings and discussions that most distinguished scientists are not atheists; the fact is that people have either misquoted or misunderstood them". He then added: "Atheism or materialistic atheism, disagrees with the method a scientist leads in thinking, working or living. He follows the principal that there is no system or device without maker. He uses reason on the basis of established facts, and he gets into his workshop all hopeful, with faith shining in his heart. Most scientists perform their work out of love for knowledge, for people and for God." (Monsma, Ibid).
Dr. Albert Jacob Winchester (Former of the Faculty of Science, University of Florida) says: "My Work in science has supported my faith in God and rendered it stronger and firmer than before. No doubt science increases man's understanding of Most Exalted God's power; and with every new discovery man arrives at in his field of study, his faith in God increases."
Lord Kilven comments: "If you take a deep thought science will compel view to believe in the existence of God".
The famous physicist Albert Einstein says:" Faith is the strongest and nobles result scientific research".
Finally, the English Philosopher Francis Bacon says: "A little philosophy brings man to atheism; diving deep into it brings him back to faith".
Consequently, from the views of these people we may conclude that knowledge was the main reason of their belief in God.
The Holly Quran is especially noteworthy in this connection because it restricted absolute reverence for God to learned people: " The erudite alone among His bondmen, are those who fear God" (Surah XXXV: 28). This is because, through deep consideration and close investigation. They acquire much information about the mysteries of the Divine Excellence in the universe, and see Its marvels which are concealed to others. That it way the Holly Quran relies on the testimony of learned people: " There is no God but He: that is the witness of God, His angels and those endued with knowledge standing firm on justice". (Surah III: 18).
Dr. Dinart of Germany once published a study in which he analyzed the philosophical views of the leading thinkers who had influenced the intellects of the past four centuries. He examined their beliefs closely and found out, after confining himself to 290 samples, that:
-28 of them adopted no belief,
-242 of them declared openly their faith in God and;
--only 20 of them seemed either careless about religion or were atheist. If we consider the careless ones all atheists, we find that 92% of the leading thinkers believe in existence of God. This high percentage is a clear indication that the disagreement between faith an knowledge, which materialists consider as being characteristic of well-educated people, does not exist; it also indicate that faith and knowledge rather complement one another and do not clash.
Dr. Wooti, the source of this statistical study, report that the famous French chemist Louis Pasteur, a leading genius of the past century's once wrote:" Faith does not prevent advancement because advancement demonstrates that apparent accord in God's creatures. Had my knowledge be more than now, my faith in God would have been firmer and deeper… True knowledge can never be materialistic; on the contrary, it leads to a further understanding of God, since, by investigating the universe, it reveals the skill, intelligence and the limitless perfection of the wise intellect which has established the laws that keep existence in order."
Professor in chemistry, member of the Science Academy, and The Faculty of Medicine in Paris, Dr. Widz once wrote: "If at any time I feel my belief in God has become weak, immediately I go to the Science Academy to strengthen it".
Member of the Science Academy also, the famous astronomer Fay declares in his book (The Origin of the worlds): "It is wrong to say that knowledge leads to the denial of God's existence."
Dr. Andrew Conoway Evy (head of chemical studies Department at the University of Chicago) was once asked by a businessman: "It has been said that most scientists are atheists. Is this true?" He replied, "I don't think this is true at all. On the contrary, I have found in my readings and discussions that most distinguished scientists are not atheists; the fact is that people have either misquoted or misunderstood them". He then added: "Atheism or materialistic atheism, disagrees with the method a scientist leads in thinking, working or living. He follows the principal that there is no system or device without maker. He uses reason on the basis of established facts, and he gets into his workshop all hopeful, with faith shining in his heart. Most scientists perform their work out of love for knowledge, for people and for God." (Monsma, Ibid).
Dr. Albert Jacob Winchester (Former of the Faculty of Science, University of Florida) says: "My Work in science has supported my faith in God and rendered it stronger and firmer than before. No doubt science increases man's understanding of Most Exalted God's power; and with every new discovery man arrives at in his field of study, his faith in God increases."
Lord Kilven comments: "If you take a deep thought science will compel view to believe in the existence of God".
The famous physicist Albert Einstein says:" Faith is the strongest and nobles result scientific research".
Finally, the English Philosopher Francis Bacon says: "A little philosophy brings man to atheism; diving deep into it brings him back to faith".
Consequently, from the views of these people we may conclude that knowledge was the main reason of their belief in God.
The Holly Quran is especially noteworthy in this connection because it restricted absolute reverence for God to learned people: " The erudite alone among His bondmen, are those who fear God" (Surah XXXV: 28). This is because, through deep consideration and close investigation. They acquire much information about the mysteries of the Divine Excellence in the universe, and see Its marvels which are concealed to others. That it way the Holly Quran relies on the testimony of learned people: " There is no God but He: that is the witness of God, His angels and those endued with knowledge standing firm on justice". (Surah III: 18).
Spirit of Islam by Afif A. Tabara
The theism vs. atheism debate cannot be solved in any one comment -or encyclopedia, even. For every argument in favour there is an argument against. I am not an expert in any form of science but the quantum theory is very interesting in this respect. Reading your presentation though, I remembered how Byzantine artists used to sign their works (religious icons): "Through the hand of... (and the artist's name)". It meant that the real creator was God and the artist only an executing hand. I think we humans should be humble enough to respect each other, with God or without Him.
ReplyDeleteOct 27, 2006, 2:46:23 AM
God blessed all those who blieve in his existence.
ReplyDeleteDear Ersi:
you are poet
i can't add any other word after yours.
I believe in and worship the God of the Bible, though I am very different from most who proclaim to be Christians. I think this is a beautiful piece of artwork, you are quite talented.
ReplyDeleteyou are a true believer.. honored by what you feel on this piece of love, heart of faith..
ReplyDeleteGod blessed all those who blieve in his existence.
ReplyDeleteآمين أخي الحبيب حمزة